領到獎金的第一件事當然就是把家裡缺的 [美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver 買回來啦~~
而且本姑娘在幾天前就上網做好[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver相關功課,經過比價之後,決定在這買啦~~~


- An all-in-one grooming solution, that features a dual-end design
- High-performance trimmer with cutting capabilities that provide refined grooming
- 送禮推薦
- Rounded blades and combs to prevent scratching the skin
- 3-D pivoting head for close shaves with less skin irritation
- 網友開箱介紹
- Suitable for use everywhere on your body, from your chest and abs to your back and shoulders
- 3D pivoting head allows the shaving head to closely follow your body's contours for the ultimate in skin comfort on your body
- Designed exclusively for men who want the ultimate body comfort below the neck: shaves and trims chest and abs, underarms, legs, groin area and back and shoulders
- Get 50 minutes of cordless use with an 8-hour charge in the sleek store and charge stand
- High performance trimmer has rounded blades and combs to prevent scratching the skin. Select from from 5 length settings (up to 11/25 inch) to get the look you want
- Water-resistant casing and materials. Use wet (in the shower) or dry
- 網路熱賣商品

[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
(中央社記者楊淑閔台北 1日電)媒體報導「電腦王阿達」等3C部落客分享可透過國外網站購買正版Windows10 OEM序號,最低只需花新台幣約250元的訊息。台灣微軟Windows官方粉絲團已發布聲明,質疑侵害著作權。
單獨買軟體,通常要4000發燒好康多元左右,若隨著購買硬體3C機具附帶的Windows 10 OEM,也要花錢買了硬體產品才有;但是「電腦王阿達」等3C部落客分享可透過國外網站,購買正版Windows 10 OEM序號,最低只需花新台幣約250元的訊息。
官網發文指出,有鑑於春節期間台灣網路上出現大量轉貼文章,推薦國外疑似販賣未授權的Windows 10Home/Pro網站;並有人在微軟公司台灣官網留言,聲稱已與微軟確認為正版。文章推薦的各網站,台灣微軟公司已開始進行逐一調查與蒐證,一旦確認該網站為未授權販賣之情形,將保留所有法律追訴權,並採取必要的法律行動。
台灣微軟並於文中呼籲, OEM版本為隨機版之授權,必須與硬體搭配同時售出。若未經微軟授權而逕自在網站上向社會大眾單獨販賣 OEM版本,已屬侵害著作權之行為;而涉嫌散布未經微軟授權之侵權網站者,也將可能有相關連帶之法律責任。
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